Rest easy. Everything is automated.

From flight planning to landing to charging to data processing. Once installed, Spottr systems will run missions autonomously, collecting, processing, and analyzing data. Never touch a remote control again.

Spottr drones, called Shepherds, live on council land near your property inside a SpottrHub, a weatherproof charging and data processing station. With the help of proprietary software and hardware they are able to operate without the need for a human pilot. Interact with Spottr from your homestead or office remotely via SpottrApp, our web and mobile application.

Set the Spottr system to collect data on a schedule, or initiate missions on demand

Three parts

  1. SpottrApp - Land management information you need at your fingertips. As easy as ordering an Uber. Pre-scheduled or on-demand.

  2. SpottrDrone - Fully Autonomous long-range. No Piloting. Ever.

  3. SpottrHub - Rugged AI-powered containerised landing base stations. Robotic hydrogen fuel cell refuelling. Data processing edge computing. Satellite cloud-connected. Fully self-contained solar-powered.


Our technology

Our unmanned long-endurance hydrogen fuel-cell powered fixed-wing VTOL drones carry a world-leading sensor package, including hyperspectral and thermal-optic with full AI machine-learning object recognition.

Every species of plant has a unique hyperspectral fingerprint and unique structural shape. We use this to identify it and its health.

Every species of warm-blooded animal has a unique thermal signature that makes it stand out on the landscape and enables us to identify it.

We process these terabytes of data in real-time on our edge system, then via Starlink satellite send you the data and insights you need.

When flying lawn-mower survey patterns at 120m AGL we have best-in-class hyperspectral accuracy better than 5sq cm ground pixel which can be used for efficient tasking of sprayer drones or humans to deal with even the smallest weeds, enabling elimination as a genuinely achievable objective. Our unparalleled 1920 x 1200 x 12μm thermal-optic capability allows automated identification of even the smallest mammals.

What this means.

Integrating a drone into your operation is now practicalaffordable, and scalable. And with higher image resolutions and collection frequencies than ever before possible, the data each system produces is now actionable. 

Spottr operates as a Robot-as-a-Service (RaaS), so you pay a low-cost subscription with add-on options. It’s infrastructure for your regional community.


Order and receive insights from the Spottr systems from the comfort of your office, whether it’s 50 yards or 1,000 kilometers away. 

When you are away from your land know you can always check up on things.


More data at higher resolutions than ever before possible. Sub-centimeter data is now possible every day. By sharing the costs across users we can bring more powerful imaging sensors than would make sense for you to own alone.


Continuous operation is finally possible. And continuous operations means data is delivered when it matters.

Want overwatch video with insights streaming to the map on your phone while there is a nearby fire, flood or you are doing a hunt? It’s now possible.


The highest quality data allows for the most valuable information to be extracted. Use Spottr to find and stop problems before they become expensive headaches.